Kent Katsumata Portfolio - Yoggys


2020/10 ~ 2020/10


Role: Leader / iOS Engineer
Language: Swift
Award: Award of Excellence, SPAJAM Hackathon 2020 Qualification Round 3

From physique to mental health, yoga is undoubtedly one of the most beneficial practices in the world. Research shows that it has more impact to your mental control when practicing with a group rather than alone. However getting yourself to your first yoga class can be scary or maybe you think you are not flexible, thin or fit enough. Yoggys matches two users using video call who are seeking to learn yoga. The app evaluates the user's pose and gives feedback on how to improve. The session ends by a yoga breathing exercise in which both users needs to cooperate and sync their hands while taking a deep breath.
Yoggys was created at SPAJAM Hackathon 2020 Qualification Round 3 with a group of 5 members(iOS Engineer, Backend Engineer, Android Engineer, Designer, Planner). Core ML was used for on-device pose estimation and Agora SDK for video conference.